
Adding Images?

deezTaxes opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to add images into the page; not a background image, smaller ones. This doesn't work however, and it only seems to work, by works I mean the image shows, when I comment out the script stuff in the head of index.html. Otherwise if I try to put the image code in the body, it just makes the image header one of those head titles.

cbrst commented

The body of the index.html is not HTML, it is not parsed as HTML, and it will be completely replaced by the script. Anything you add in there that does not follow the markup for links, will be turned into a heading and a new block, possibly breaking things in the process, if you happen to enter HTML markup.

Where exactly are you trying to add images, and for what purpose? I'm not quite sure what result you're looking for. If you clarify the issue, I should be able to add the functionality you're looking for.

If you just want to add icons to the links, #5 will get that done.