
Source code of the demonstration programs showed in the Black Hat '13 presentation "Energy fraud and orchestrated blackouts: Issues with wireless metering protocols (WM-BUS)" by Cyrill Brunschwiler

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This repository contains the source code of the demonstration tools used in the Black Hat '13 presentation "Energy fraud and orchestrated blackouts: Issues with wireless metering protocols (WM-BUS)" by Cyrill Brunschwiler

Please note that this code is mainly meant as proof of concept and therefore is far away from being perfect 'nor is the little included MBus library complete.




Get third-party packages

Before compiling you need to go get the used packages:

  • go get github.com/tarm/goserial
  • go get github.com/ziutek/serial
  • go get code.google.com/p/go.net/websocket
  • go get github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql

Setup MySQL database

After getting all required third-party packages you have to setup the MySQL database, this can be done using the shell:

  • cd WMBus-Sniffer-MUC/
  • cat database.sql | mysql -u YourUsername -p

Compile the application

  • go build -o sniffer
  • chmod a+x ./sniffer

(or just run execute.sh)

Setup the Sniffer and Commander

You have to enable the "CMD Output" (UART Settings) and set the Baud Rate to 9600 via the Amber Wireless ACC software.


The application supports multiple parameters:

Parameter Default Description
snifferTTY /dev/ttyUSB0 Mountpoint of sniffing device (AMB8465-AT)
senderTTY /dev/ttyUSB1 Mountpoint of sending device (AMB-8465-M)
DBUser root Username of the DB user
DBPass root Username of the DB user
DBName capturedFrames Name of the database
DemoMode false Insert sended frames directly into the DB (in case your sender is defect)

e.g. ./sniffer -snifferTTY="/dev/ttyUSB0" -senderTTY="/dev/ttyUSB1"

The sniffer is then listening on "http://localhost:80" and the MUC on "http://localhost:8080/webui" - please be advised that this has to be executed as root as the application is using a privileged port.