
Please tag versions

misilot opened this issue · 10 comments

Please create versions in github, so the project can work nicely with composer

@cbschuld please tag a release.


+1 @cbschuld That's an easy one... Please just tag the repo, which will help a lot!

@cbschuld Is there any likelihood of tagging a release? Even something like 0.1?

+1 иначе приходится прописывать "minimum-stability": "dev

Krknv commented


What is the problem? To create a tag, you need only 1-2 minutes


@PATROMO @visavi @Krknv @visavi @misilot @sbuckpesch @adrazich @calmdev @misilot - understood 100%... I have not had a lot of cycles to take care of this until now. I'm going to be making a lot of changes over the next week or so. Sorry for the massive radio silence on the project; I am back into it!

v 1.9.1. was tagged but I'll work on some of the issues and get this more up-to-date and will be releasing other versions soon