
Data conversion of arkit?

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It is convenient to describe, how to draw the face vertices obtained from arkit on the image? I follow the following connection for spatial conversion, drawing errors

I transform the face vertices to world coordinates using faceAnchor.transform, then to camera coordinates using scceneView.session.currentFrame?.camera.transform, and then to image coordinates using currentFrame?.camera.intrinsics.

please refer to

Thank you for your reply. I carefully read the recommended visualization link code.
The key is projection_matrix. How do you get projection_matrix from arkit?
Is it the projectionMatrix attribute data of ARcamera? It is described in the api as follows: A transform matrix appropriate for rendering 3D content to match the image captured by the camera.

You need to read and try the information of ARkit in apple api. All of our matrixes are from the apple. Our original information are missed.