
Feature Request - RSS/Atom feed support?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Eevoo commented

I enjoy using Ieddit so far. In an ideal scenario, I'd like to be able to subscribe to subeddits, comments on individual posts, and stalk the famous comments by users (ok, the last one is probably a bit of bloat but while you're under the hood why not).

This may be a wontfix for design reasons, and I can live with that since this is alpha software after all, but if implemented, RSS/Atom does provide the ability for Ieddit to compete with Reddit/HN/imgur etc. in terms of appearing in feed readers and Live Bookmarks.

cc-d commented

There are zero reasons something like RSS would not be implemented, and many reasons to do so.

As of now, it's purely a priority issue.

cc-d commented

It will 100% be supported in the future.