
Bug: self.text property showing up in posts

Opened this issue · 3 comments


We can modify our code by replacing self.text with some suitable text.

<a href="link" class="sub-post-title-url">(self.text)</a>

XPath for the element: /html/body/div[2]/div/div/ul[2]/li/div[2]/div[2]/small/a

cc-d commented

Yeah, this can be changed.

I'm currently discussing with people the different options we can replace this text with.

Listing the viable options for this:

  • (Text post)
  • (self.SubName) [As suggested by some anonymous users on Ieddit]
  • (text.SubName) [As it is a text post and it can cover the sub name too.]

(We can do this for video and image posts, for example, (video.SubName) and (image.SubName) )

cc-d commented

I'm partial to text.subname myself.