
:computer: CSS wrapper to make Bootstrap the rapid prototyping tool it should be

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Making Bootstrap the rapid prototyping tool that it should be.

Getting started

Out of the box file can be found at src/css/strapper.min.css.

Include the file after Bootstrap and before your own custom styles:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0-alpha.6/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-rwoIResjU2yc3z8GV/NPeZWAv56rSmLldC3R/AZzGRnGxQQKnKkoFVhFQhNUwEyJ" crossorigin="anonymous">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="...strapper.min.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="...">


The source code can be found at ./src/scss/strapper.scss. This can be edited to your own specifications and desires.

In order to do this, you can clone the repository by running:

$ git clone git@github.com:ccabo1/strapper.git

Once this is completed, make sure your packages are up to date and configured:

$ npm install

To get to work, run:

$ gulp

Keep running this while you edit the scss file. Gulp will automatically compile the scss on save into the minified css file in the css folder. If there are any errors with compilation, they will come up in the terminal window running gulp.

If you have any problems or feature requests, open an issue.


Bootstrap, in large part, does a great job of doing what it sets out to: Bootstrap websites are naturally responsive, mobile-first, structured, accessible, etc. The one place where Bootstrap needs improvement is, ironically enough, bootstrapping--that is, quickly putting together website for proof of concept that can later be personalized.

Strapper aims to fix this problem by adding a small set of classes on top of Bootstrap's existing framework to make positioning, sizing, and basic styling easier. I found myself repeatedly writing the very same classes for every project, so I thought it best to combine them into a reusable, modular CSS framework.



Quickly add the padding you need to an element.

  • pad-0: no padding at all
  • pad-1: padding of 1rem
  • pad-2
  • pad-3
  • pad-0-1: no padding on top and bottom, 1rem padding on either side
  • pad-0-2
  • pad-1-0
  • pad-2-0
  • pad-1-2
  • pad-2-1


Add in a full-width spacer between elements.

  • space-0: 0rem tall spacer
    • Good especially with inline aligned items to ensure everything stays on the right line.
  • space-1: 1rem tall spacer
  • space-2
  • space-3
  • space-4


Customize space between elements with ease.

  • marg-0: no margin
  • marg-top-0: no top margin
  • marg-top-1: 1rem top margin
  • marg-top-2
  • marg-bot-0
  • marg-bot-1
  • marg-bot-2
  • marg-right-0
  • marg-right-05: 0.5rem right margin
  • marg-right-1
  • marg-left-0
  • marg-left-05
  • marg-left-1


  • round-1: 0.25rem border-radius
  • round-2: 0.5rem border-radius
  • round-3
  • round-4

Borders, lines, and dividers

Better organize your website with delineating borders and lines.

  • border: standard gray border
  • light-border: lighter gray border
  • line-0: full-width line with no vertical margins
  • line-1: fill-width line with 1rem top and bottom margins
  • line-2
  • light-line: addition to line classes for a lighter color to match the light-border

Coloring and typography

Quickly set standard colors and styles for text and elements alike.

  • black: set the background to black
  • white
  • light-gray
  • gray
  • white-blue
  • purple
  • green
  • blue
  • black-text: set text color to black
    • black-text-important: set color to black in all cases
    • black-text-hover: set color to black on hover
  • white-text
    • white-text-important: set color to black in all cases
    • white-text-hover: set color to black on hover
  • gray-text
  • light-gray-text
  • blue-gray-text
  • blue-text
  • purple-text
  • green-text
  • no-decoration: remove decoration, especially underlining on link hover
  • bold: bolden text
  • italic: italicize text
  • caps: capitalize text


Add extended depth with shading classes.

  • shade-1: lightest and shortest shadow
  • shade-2
  • shade-3
  • shade-4: darkest and longest shadow
  • hover: appended to a shade class to shorten and darken the element on hover


Make elements do the job they are supposed to.

  • cursor: changes the cursor to a hand/pointer--the same as when hovering a link, for example.
  • animate: apply a 0.2s transition to an element


Display elements the way you want them to.

  • absolute: absolute position
  • fixed: fixed position
  • relative
  • inline: display inline
  • block: display block
  • full-width: 100% width
  • left: text align left
  • float-left: float items left
  • right
  • float-right
  • center: full-width with center alignment
  • background-image: center and properly size a background image
    • Use a unique ID to add the background image easily with CSS
    • parallax: give the background image a parallax scrolling effect on larger devices


Additional, reusable modules for displaying information.

  • ul.horizontal: horizontal, simple left-aligned list. Good for navigation and icons.
    • right: append this class in order to right align the horizontal form
    • Padding between items is 1rem by default