- 3
- 1
- 2
- 4
Minify npm package size
#417 opened by tnir - 2
- 6
List of shortcuts is too long
#439 opened by mikeveltman - 1
give a way to the user to clear event listener
#427 opened by olivierchatry - 1
Extending documentation
#414 opened by Jeach - 2
ctrl+alt+key event not always triggered
#416 opened by kalleyt - 0
- 0
Cannot bind Ctrl + full stop
#444 opened by SimonAlling - 2
Capture all keys after a combination
#440 opened by tifDev - 2
Uncaught TypeError
#406 opened by Trutherzz - 0
Option for exact modifier key matches
#441 opened by Adjective-Object - 2
shortcuts stopped working for chrome Version 70.0.3538.77 (Official Build) (64-bit)
#436 opened by mauriciovander - 0
Shift+<number> doesn't work using numpad keys
#431 opened by nertus - 0
Capitalized keybindings work for binds registered with "keypress" action but not for "keydown" action
#430 opened by mgsloan - 0
Mousetrap doesn't respond to the keyup event in some conditions, but the document.addEventListener works.
#429 opened by KoStard - 1
Key combo works but doesn't
#426 opened by evanvin - 0
- 1
ctrl+] does not work
#424 opened by nicoe - 6
GPL2 Compatible Licensing
#421 opened by pento - 0
Alt+Space keybinding is not working
#420 opened by GNSubrahmanyam - 0
- 0
- 2
Support in Electron as a globalShortcut
#415 opened by kanalasumant - 3
Support for Double Tap Letters?
#411 opened by tomershvueli - 1
missing 'un' in project description
#413 opened by Abdur-rahmaanJ - 2
- 1
Feature request: Demo page
#404 opened by skfd - 1
- 0
- 1
Is it possible to trick/simulate/invoke Moustrap with JavaScript keypress events?
#407 opened by kspearrin - 3
`-` keystroke not registering
#389 opened by aaron-m-kent - 0
Nuget greater than 1.3?
#403 opened by TRegan3 - 0
Space key
#401 opened by niekvlessert - 1
Bind, unbind and rebind call the function twice.
#399 opened by GCorbel - 0
Add an option for continuous recording.
#396 opened by AndriySvyryd - 0
alt+shift+x doesn't work in Chrome
#394 opened by springpeace - 1
- 1
Can not prevent mod+shift+p in Firefox
#388 opened by chunyenHuang - 2
- 1
Can't bind numpad keys separately
#390 opened - 1
Using within electron
#386 opened by kof - 0
When using a two-key binding with `keyup`, the binding only fires if the keys are pressed/released in a certain order.
#385 opened by aecallahan - 0
alt + end on numeric keypad not working
#384 opened by xthdraft - 0
Recording keys that result in a dead key results in fromCharCode(229) being returned from mousetrap-record
#383 opened by gigaherz - 2
ctrl+shift+f9 doesnt work in chrome
#380 opened by Rex90 - 0
- 0
sequence keys showing up in inputs
#381 opened by jonbrock