
Exercise 3 'Handling'

gabrielgrover opened this issue · 2 comments

When I run verify for this exercise the tests fail, but the Actual and Expected seem to be the same. Here is the output.

  1. ACTUAL: ""
  2. EXPECTED: ""
  3. ACTUAL: " <title>Hello Handling</title>"
  4. EXPECTED: " <title>Hello Handling</title>"
  5. ACTUAL: " "
  6. EXPECTED: " "
  7. ACTUAL: " Hello Handling"
  8. EXPECTED: " Hello Handling"
  9. ACTUAL: " "
  10. EXPECTED: " "
  11. ACTUAL: ""
  12. EXPECTED: ""
  13. ACTUAL: ""
  14. EXPECTED: ""
  15. ACTUAL: ""
  16. EXPECTED: ""


✗ Submission results did not match expected!


Your solution to HANDLING didn't pass. Try again!

It seems if your text editor does not have tab set to 4 spaces the tests will fail

This has to do with newline at the end of the solution file. Adding a newline to the end of your html file will correct the issue.

I update the solution to ignore the newline.

Fixed in makemehapi@5.0.1 👍