
Test of nhanesFromURL() on all data files listed in manifest

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This is mostly for reference: Assuming that we want to populate the database using files listed in the NHANES table manifest using the new nhanesFromURL() function, I tried to go through all of them and make sure that there are no errors. Code here:

This does produce warnings flagging unusual behaviour. Edited output pasted below, in case it's helpful to debug problems later. Most of these are in 'special' food / diet / drug tables, which we may decide to exclude anyway. This also excludes two large (>7 GB) files, PAXMIN_G and PAXMIN_H.

  Missing codebook table, skipping translation for variable: URXUMA
  Missing codebook table, skipping translation for variable: URXUMS
  Missing codebook table, skipping translation for variable: URXUCR
  Missing codebook table, skipping translation for variable: URXCRS
  Missing codebook table, skipping translation for variable: URDACT
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: BPXSAR
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: BPXDAR
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: FMTNAME
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: START
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: LABEL
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: FMTNAME
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: START
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: LABEL
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: DRXFDCD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: DRXFCSD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: DRXFCLD
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: DRXFDCD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: DRXFCSD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: DRXFCLD
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: DRXFDCD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: DRXFCSD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: DRXFCLD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: DRXFFCSD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: DRXFFDLD
Warning in code2numeric(x, cb, cleanse = cleanse_numeric) :
  non-numeric descriptions found in apparently numeric variable: 1, 2, 3
Warning in code2numeric(x, cb, cleanse = cleanse_numeric) :
  non-numeric descriptions found in apparently numeric variable: 1, 2, 3
Warning in code2numeric(x, cb, cleanse = cleanse_numeric) :
  non-numeric descriptions found in apparently numeric variable: 1, 2, 3
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: FFQ_FOOD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: VALUE
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: FFQ_FOOD
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: VALUE
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: FFQ_VAR
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: VALUE
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: FFQ_VAR
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: VALUE
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: LBDRPI
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OHASCST5
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OHASCST5
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030AA
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030AB
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030AC
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030BA
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030BB
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030BC
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030BD
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030BE
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030CA
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030CB
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030CC
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030CD
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030CE
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: OSD030CF
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: WTSC2YRA
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: WTSA2YRA
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDRGID
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDRUG
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDINGFL
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI1A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI1B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI1C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI2A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI2B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI2C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI3A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI3B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI3C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI4A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI4B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDDCI4C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI1A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI1B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI1C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI2A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI2B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI2C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI3A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI3B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI3C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI4A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI4B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI4C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI5A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI5B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI5C
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI6A
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI6B
  Variable not found in codebook, skipping translation for variable: RXDICI6C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN1A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN1B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN1C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN2A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN2B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN2C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN3A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN3B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN3C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN4A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN4B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDDCN4C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN1A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN1B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN1C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN2A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN2B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN2C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN3A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN3B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN3C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN4A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN4B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN4C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN5A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN5B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN5C
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN6A
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN6B
  Skipping translation for character variable with missing codebook: RXDICN6C

noted for reference, nhanesFromURL() is working on all 'public' nhanes files as tested with staging-v0.3.0