
What are 'broken' tables?

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> nhanesQuery("select * from Metadata.ExcludedTables where TableName = 'ALQYTH'")
  TableName         Reason
1    ALQYTH         Broken
2    ALQYTH Limited Access

Why is ALQYTH listed as broken?

In fact,

> nhanesQuery("select * from Metadata.ExcludedTables where Reason = 'broken'")
  TableName Reason
1    PAXLUX Broken
2    ALQYTH Broken
3       OMP Broken
4       VID Broken
5      SSCT Broken

but none of these tables appear in the manifest (except for ALQYTH, which is in the RDC list):

> pub = nhanesManifest("public")
> ltd = nhanesManifest("limited")
> subset(pub, Table %in% c("PAXLUX", "ALQYTH", "OMP", "VID", "SSCT"))
[1] Table          DocURL         DataURL        Years          Date.Published
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
> subset(ltd, Table %in% c("PAXLUX", "ALQYTH", "OMP", "VID", "SSCT"))
   Table                                 DocURL     Years Date.Published
6 ALQYTH /Nchs/Nhanes/limited_access/ALQYTH.htm 1999-2000   January 2007

Are these left over from before we were using the manifest?