Random memory allocation faliure
Liupold opened this issue · 7 comments
With how big the number seems to be it is probably a buffer overflow somewhere maybe in CPAL or another C dependency... What are the steps to reproduce it?
Here is a video showing crashes. There are 3 separate crash in this video.
Steps to reproduce:
- Open
- Wait for 15-30 sec. (Even doing nothing trigger crash)
The video seems corrupted... If you can run the app with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 and send the log file
It's strange it doesn't really makes sense... Does it crash when you start playing music? Or downloading music? BTW what is your environment (OS + arch + Wayland or X11 if linux)
If it is music could you tell what music ? If it is downloading could you tell me the same ?
An option to try and fix could be to delete cache files (https://crates.io/crates/directories to see where they are supposed to be)
SYSTEM: (Debian + x86_64 + Wayland)
- No effect on clearing cahche at:
- Music plays fine, that's why it's so puzzling, sometimes it crashes when playing in background.
List of installed packages: pkg.txt
In the upcoming month I will be busy, you can close this issue if you can't recreate it. I will try to compile it, after I get a bit of free time.
Maybe it has something to do with the download part like BOA or some battery optimization that breaks something... I can't reproduce the issue... I'll close it just ping me if you keep having this issue in a month or if someone else has this issue.