First, enable corepack (this will manage package manager for you):
corepack enable
You can also use Volta to manage node and package manager versions
Then, install packages:
pnpm install
To run the development server:
# development with watch mode
pnpm dev
# development
pnpm start
# production mode (need pnpm build)
pnpm prod
Your server run at http://localhost:8000 in development mode.
# unit tests
$ pnpm test
# e2e tests
$ pnpm test:e2e
# test coverage
$ pnpm test:cov
- Framework: Nest
There are a lot of configurations to simplify your code experience :
- Prettier to format
- ESLint to lint and prevent errors
- Fix files with linter on pre-commit which also sort imports
- Check on commit message to ensure it has the right shape
All staged files will be format using Prettier and ESLint and updated files will be added automatically.
Your commits will pass into a linter to ensure there are no fail inputs.
chore: Remove unused imports
feat(BSJ-126): Add button to claim bounty and save it in database