
Python scripts that implement the (parallel and serial) KIJ and KJI Gauss Jordan elimination methods to solve a linear system of equations.

Primary LanguagePython


Python scripts that implement the (parallel and serial) KIJ and KJI Gauss Jordan elimination methods to solve a linear system of equations.

Gaussian Elimination

Gaussian elimination is a neat way to solve linear systems of equations. Typically, it goes like this:

# Solving Ax=b using Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
# Input: A: n x n matrix, b: vector of n dimensions
# Output: x: vector of n dimensions

Afull = stack(A,b) # A is now n x n+1, as we append b as a new column

for k=1:n do # traverse through columns of A

    # Find pivot (largest element of active column)

    pivot = Afull[k][k]
    pivot_row = k
    for i=k+1:n do
        if Afull[i][k] > pivot:
            pivot = Afull[i][k]
            pivot_row = k

    # Swap k-th row with row with the pivot element
    swap(Afull,k,pivot_row) # Afull[k][k] is now the pivot

    # Update bottom-right part of matrix

    for i=k+1:n:

        m = A[i][k]/A[k][k]

        for j=1:n+1 do:
            Afull[i][j] = A[i][j] - m*Afull[k][j]

# After this, A should be in upper diagonal form.
# Solving for x:

x[n] = Afull[n][n+1]/Afull[n][n]
for i=n-1:1 do:
    sum = 0
    for j=i+1:n do:
        sum = sum + Afull[i][j]*x[j]
    x[i] = (Afull[i][n+1] - sum ) / Afull[i][i]

# x now contains the solution of the system.

This algorithm has complexity of O(n^3). However, execution time may be reduced by using parallelization.

Gauss and Gauss-Jordan elimination

The result of the Gauss elimination is a matrix in upper diagonal form. In each step the bottom-right part of the matrix is updated. If we replace the # Update bottom-right part of matrix step with the following:

    # Update right part of matrix

    for i=1:n, i != k:

        m = A[i][k]/A[k][k]

        for j=1:n+1 do:
            Afull[i][j] = A[i][j] - m*Afull[k][j]

we end up with Gauss-Jordan elimination. Notice that we now update all of the rows, not just those rows "under" the active the pivot. The result of Gauss-Jordan elimination is a matrix in diagonal form.

KJI and KIJ methods

There a ton of ways to parellilize this method, two of which are presented in this repo. The main idea behind these methods is to assign a number of columns to each available processor, so that the computation of the bottom right part will happen in parellel. Of course, the task of selecting a pivot row will be processed by the processor responsible for the respective column.

My implementation of the both the KJI and KIJ methods can be summed up in this pseudocode:

# This code is run in parallel by every processor.
# In order to avoid actuall swaps and save time, a pivot array is used.
# In short, it contains indexes of lines i.e. if pivot[0] is equal to 3,
# it means the line 3 is first.

for i=0:n:

    if I am responsible for the k-th column:

        # Find pivot
        pivot_pos = find_pivot(A,k)

        # Inform processors with columns after me about the swap
        for proc in next_procs:

        # Update my columns

        # Send my columns to the next processors (next as in processors
        # that are responsible for columns with larger index than me)
        for proc in next_procs:

        # Receive cols from other processors
        for proc in next_procs:


        # If this processor is not resonsible for any columns with larger
        # index than the active, then it is no longer needed.
        if k > max{col_indexes_that_i_am_resonsible_for}:

        # Receive updated pivot array
        pivot = comm.Recv(pivot)

        # Update my columns

        # Send columns to the next processors
        for proc in next_procs:

        # Receive cols from previous processor (if they exist)
        for proc in next_procs:

One can easily note the three main for-loop variables used during the "update my columns" step: i,j and k. The names of the methods come from the order of the loop variables in the for-loops of the algorithm:

KJI Method

    for k in range(0,n):

        for j in column_mapping[myrank]:
            if j > k: # We have to do calculations for columns right of the active column

                Afull[pivot[k]][j] = Afull[pivot[k]][j] / Afull[pivot[k]][k]

                for i in range(0,n):

                    if i != k :

                        Afull[pivot[i]][j] = Afull[pivot[i]][j] - Afull[pivot[i]][k] * Afull[pivot[k]][j]

KIJ Method

    for k in range(0,n):

        for i in range(0,Afull.shape[0]):

            if i != k: # no need to update the column that the pivot is in

                for j in column_mapping[myrank]:

                    if j > k: # update columns right of the active column

                        Afull[pivot[i]][j] = Afull[pivot[i]][j] - Afull[pivot[i]][k] * Afull[pivot[k]][j]

Column Assignment

Two columns assignment methods have been implemented:

  1. Block method: Each processor is assigned floor(n/p) consequtive columns.

  2. Shuffle method: The columnd of the input matrix are "dealt like cards" to processors. Lets say, for example, that A is a 10 by 10 matrix and we have 4 processors available:

Processors Processor 1 Processor 2 Processor 3 Processor 4
Assigned Columns 1,5,9 2,6,10 3,7,11* 4,8

*Remember that we append vector b to A, thus increasing the total number of columns by 1.


In order to assess the performance of the implementation, 3 metrics will be used:

  1. (Parallel) execution time
  2. Speedup (Speedup formula)
  3. Efficiency (Efficiency formula)

KJI Method

KJItime KJISpeedup KJIEp

KIJ Method

KIJtime KIJSpeedup KIJEp

It should be evident by now that the shuffle method performs better. Although the block method is easy to understand and implement, after a while, it leaves most of the work left to the processors assigned columns with higher indices, thus creating a bottleneck.

Comparing KJI and KIJ

compT compSp compEp

The KIJ methods seems to perform a bit better (at least on the example data).