
Yukon dashboard has been decomissioned

jeanpaulrsoucy opened this issue · 1 comments

Archived datasets are here:

We probably have them all in the archives, but should check anyway.

Need to modify sources of Yukon data for future updates.

These are the two latest rows for YT in the PHAC dataset:

prname prnameFR date reporting_week reporting_year update totalcases numtotal_last7 ratecases_total numdeaths
Yukon Yukon 2022-11-05 44 2022 1 4974 20 11359.02 32
Yukon Yukon 2022-11-12 45 2022 0 4989 0 11393.27 32

Oddly, cases increment despite the week being indicated as having no update (I'm guessing because it was partial data for the week). This means that reporting in Yukon (and thus all of the territories) is probably dead. This should be added to the README. Weirdly, the number of cases reported by PHAC is quite a bit lower than the number reported by the YT time series (different definition perhaps?).

For the future, maybe consider reconstructing (part) of the Yukon death time series using the historical archive of the daily stats dataset (and filling in the rest with either the PHAC or CCODWG datasets) (uuid = 9c29c29f-fd38-45d5-a471-9bfb95abb683).