
Error writing diffs

jeanpaulrsoucy opened this issue · 1 comments

Failed to write diffs in the most recent update:

Calculating diffs...

Warning messages:
1: Problem while computing value = as.numeric(.data$value).
Error in dplyr::left_join():
ℹ NAs introduced by coercion
! Can't join on x$name x y$name because of incompatible types.
2: Problem while computing value = as.numeric(.data$value).
x$name is of type >.
y$name is of type >.


  1. Covid19CanadaETL::ccodwg_update(path = "/secrets.json")
  2. Covid19CanadaETL::diff_datasets()
    Error in writing diffs

It appears the only updated files were the QC hospitalization/ICU data.

Problem arises from the Canadian cases diff file being deleted due to the earlier error with the dates in the MB data (detailed in #88).