Sync existing users error LDAP import - & - bool given
Tols78 opened this issue · 4 comments
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Bug description
Since i change user DN for connect to LDAP
Synchronization of existing users via search filter: KO
Synchronization In console mode via glpi:ldap:synchronize_users KO
Test connection ldap : OK
In graphical mode the LDAP filter is transformed
(samaccountname=*) (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))))
(samaccountname=*) (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))))
Relevant log output
[2023-02-13 18:10:02] glpiphplog.CRITICAL: *** Uncaught Exception TypeError: ldap_parse_result(): Argument #2 ($result) must be of type LDAP\Result, bool given in C:\glpi\src\AuthLDAP.php at line 1868
Ligne 1799: front\ldap.import.php:69 AuthLDAP::searchUser()
Ligne 1801: [2023-02-13 18:10:02] glpiphplog.CRITICAL: *** Uncaught Exception RuntimeException: Something went wrong searching in LDAP directory in C:\glpi\src\AuthLDAP.php at line 3395
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Steps To reproduce
Just go to the In graphical mode LDAP filter
Your GLPI setup information
Informations sur le système, l'installation et la configuration
GLPI 10.0.6 ( => C:\glpi) Installation mode: TARBALL Current language:fr_FR
Operating system: Windows NT PHP 8.1.10 Setup: max_execution_time="300" memory_limit="512M" post_max_size="8M" safe_mode="" session.save_handler="files" upload_max_filesize="200M" Software: Microsoft-IIS Server Software: binary distributionAnything else?
No response #
I am not an expert in PHP coding, I try we never know, it really blocks us in the implementation of our GLPI instance which worked well in THKS
@cconard96 Do you know if is it related to the changes made to bug glpi-project#12794 or glpi-project#11497 ?
I don't know too much about GitHub so I hope I posted in the right place :)
It's not on the right Project, this is not the main you should repost it on
I post to the right place : glpi-project#14075