
How to create wpa_supplicant, where to put it and what should be in it?

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I'm trying to create a wpa_supplicant but am having problems. I tried creating one and putting it in the /boot directory and that wouldn't work - said read-only file system; next I tried putting it in /etc directory - same error; lastly I tried putting it in the /data/etc directory and that worked, but it wasn't accepted. I followed the instructions on: but it's really not clear where to put the file and after I booted by reconnecting my ethernet connection, the wpa_supplicant I put in /data/etc has been reset back to the default one. So, I need some guidance here.

The contents and file format of wpa_supplicant.conf can generally be found online, but for a simple example that should work with most common home Wi-Fi networks, see

If you put the file on the boot partition, that's supposed to happen from your PC/laptop, when you plug the SD card into it. If you do it on a live running OS, you'll find the partition is read-only. In fact this method was designed so that you can preconfigure the Wi-Fi settings when you only have a Windows machine and can only deal with FAT32 filesystems (not Linux extended).

If you want to configure it while running the live OS, you can place it at /data/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf.