
Easy to use Timer/Chronometer/Countdown library compatible with AMD and NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version

Easy to use Timer/Chronometer/Countdown library compatible with AMD and NodeJS



npm install easytimer.js --save


bower install easytimer.js

Library Load


<script src="lib/easytimer/dist/easytimer.min.js"></script>
    var timerInstance = new Timer();


var Timer = require('easytimer.js');
var timerInstance = new Timer();


require(['node_modules/easytimer.js/dist/easytimer.min.js'], function (Timer) {
    var timer = new Timer();



Basic Usage

var timer = new Timer();
timer.addEventListener('secondsUpdated', function (e) {

Timer instance API

  • start(config): Start the timer
    • Parameters:
      • config (object):
        • startValues (object or array): The initial values of the timer when it is started
          • Accepted Values: Object with some of this keys: 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days'. Or an array with this 5 positions: [secondTenths, seconds, minutes, hours, days]
          • Default Value (object or array): [0,0,0,0,0]
        • target (object or array): The target values that will make timer to stop.
          • Accepted Values: Object with some of this keys: 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days'. Or an array with this 5 positions: [secondTenths, seconds, minutes, hours, days]
          • Default Value: Undefined
        • precision (string): The timer update frequency.
          • Accepted Values: 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours'
          • Default value: 'seconds'
        • callback (function): A callback function executed every time the timer is updated. The callback receives the timer as a parameter.
        • countdown (bool): If true, the timer is a countdown.
  • stop(): Stop the timer
  • pause(): Pause the timer
  • reset(): Reset the timer values
  • addEventListener(eventType, callback): Add a lister to an event. Timer triggers events when is updated
    • Events triggered:
      • secondTenthsUpdated
      • secondsUpdated
      • minutesUpdated
      • hoursUpdated
      • daysUpdated
    • Parameters:
      • eventType (string): The type of the event that you want to listen.
      • callback (function): Function that will be executed when the timer triggers the specified event. The callback receives an object with the timer as a parameter.
  • removeEventListener(eventType, callback): Remove an event listener from the timer. Same usage than addEventListener.
  • getTimeValues(): Return and object with the current values. The keys of the returned object are 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours' and 'days'.
  • getTotalTimeValues(): Return and object with the current absolute values. The keys of the returned object are 'secondTenths', 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours' and 'days'.

Browser Support

Easytimer uses dispatchEvent, and this feature is available in these Browsers:

  • Chrome (version >= 4)
  • Firefox (version >= 2)
  • IE (version >= 9)
  • Opera (version >= 9)
  • Safari (version >= 3)
  • Mobile browsers