
Base API controller for Phoenix

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

API Controller

Base API controller for Phoenix.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  • Add api_controller to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:api_controller, "~> 0.2"]
  • Ensure api_controlleris started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:api_controller]]


Set your application module in config:

config :api_controller,
  application_module: MyApp
defmodule MyApp.UserController do
  use ApiController

  # Inside method you can access 'request_params' and 'conn' variables
  defmethod :create, user_schema do
    # name = request_params["name"]
    # show_result(conn, name)

  defp user_schema do
      name: [required: true, type: :string],
      password: [required: true, type: :string, length: 8..32],
      type: [required: true, type: :string, inclusion: ["user", "admin"]],
      bio: [type: :string],
      age: [type: :integer],
      country: [type: :string, exclusion: ["Russia"]],
      friends: [type: :list, length: 10]

if params invalid, response will look like:

  "status": "error",
  "reason": "invalid_attributes",
  "errors": ["name is required and can't be blank",
             "password length must be between 8 and 32",
             "age should be a integer",
             "type should be in [\"user\", \"admin\"]",
             "country should not be in [\"Russia\"]",
             "friends length should be less than or equal 10"]

You also can use API helpers:

@doc """
Render JSON error and status.

Response example:
{"status": "error", "reason": "record_not_found", errors: [], error_data: %{}}
@callback show_error(Plug.Conn.t, String.t, Keyword.t) :: Plug.Conn.t
@callback show_error(Plug.Conn.t, String.t, atom | non_neg_integer, [] | [String.t], %{} | map) :: Plug.Conn.t
def show_error(conn, reason, opts)
def show_error(conn, reason, status \\ :bad_request, errors \\ [])

show_error(conn, "record_not_found", status: 404, errors: [], error_data: %{chat_id: "uuid"})
show_error(conn, "record_not_found", 404, [], %{chat_id: "uuid"})
@doc """
Render JSON result and status.

Response example:
{"status": "ok", "result": "data"}
@callback show_result(Plug.Conn.t, term, atom | non_neg_integer) :: Plug.Conn.t
def show_result(conn, result, status \\ 200)

show_result(conn, "user_created", 201)


config :api_controller,
  application_module: MyApp,
  attributes_key_path: false # get attributes from request_params map
  #attributes_key_path: "data" # from request_params["data"]
  #attributes_key_path: ["data", "attributes"] # from request_params["data"]["attributes"]