

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, my cnft which is a SVG is not showing in my Eternl wallet. Any plans to support this in the future?

Hello @Andy4560 ,
could you please provide us with the Policy ID for your NFT, so we can have a look.

If I take the IPFS URLs from your mint metadata in, my IPFS node says:

invalid path: "/ipfs/ipfs/QmVhX9mBnxpMT4yV1cqftNhisfUKAMVxXXUCp2FEeXYcw3" should be "/ipfs/QmVhX9mBnxpMT4yV1cqftNhisfUKAMVxXXUCp2FEeXYcw3"

Probably, the URLs should be like ipfs://QmVhX9mBnxpMT4yV1cqftNhisfUKAMVxXXUCp2FEeXYcw3 instead of ipfs://ipfs/QmVhX9mBnxpMT4yV1cqftNhisfUKAMVxXXUCp2FEeXYcw3.

Might that be the issue, here?