
Wallet Scans resets browser view

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When browsing wallet transactions across multiple pages, on a periodic wallet scan the browser view will reset to page 1 of the transactions. This is INCREDIBLY annoying. I need my view to stay fixed in place as I'm prepping taxes or doing research.

Scitz0 commented

Hi and thanks for your feedback. I agree with you, shouldn't reset to page 0 because of sync. There are technical reasons for it and we have decided to halt UI changes that require a bit more effort for v2 of Eternl we are actively working on. Though it's still at least a couple of months away so for the time being I recommend that you enable manual sync for the wallet as this will stop this periodic reset and only sync when you tell it to.

Thanks for the suggestion to manual sync. I looked three times for that feature and somehow missed it, but after your comment found it right away.