This Blender add-on generates models of human rib bones based on subject's age, sex, height, and weight (based on research published by Holcombe et al. in 2016 and 2017).
Rendered example below:
In Blender's Python console, run:
import sys sys.exec_prefix
This should return the location of the Blender's python package, e.g.,
In a regular terminal, run:
cd /path/to/blender/python/bin # Don't forget to add '/bin' to the path ls
This should output the Python executable used by the Blender, e.g.,
To enable pip and install the packages:
./python3.5m -m ensurepip ./python3.5m -m pip install scipy ./python3.5m -m pip install pandas ./python3.5m -m pip install numpy # the most recent version of Blender should come preinstalled with this
Open midterm_project.blend
Go to 'Scripting' tab
should already be loaded in the Text Editor.- If not, open the two files, which should be located in the 'Source Code' folder within my project folder
Change the path to the folder containing the linear regression parameters. In, change the
variable on line 45 to the 'RibLinReg' folder in my project folder, e.g.,path_to_data = '/Users/cecegao/Downloads/Gao_Cecily_Graphics_Project_1/RibLinReg/'
Run both scripts.
Two tabs titled 'Human Rib' and 'Periosteum' should appear in the Properties Panel.
Toggle to the 'Human Rib' tab in the Preferences Panel.
Change the input parameters to the subject of interest. Change the subject's demographics (sex, age, height weight). You can also toggle to the 'Custom' mode to modify individual parameters.
Change the rendering settings. Choose whether you want to generate the full set or a single rib or just the outline (no lofting).
Click 'Create Rib(cage)' button at the bottom to generate your rib(cage)!
Make sure Blender's built-in 'Node' add-ons are enabled:
- Go to Blender Preferences: Edit > Preferences
- Search 'Node'
- Check all three Node add-ons
Toggle to the 'Periosteum' tab in the Preferences Panel.
Select the objects you would like to texture with the periosteum material.
Check 'Cracks' if you want to add the cracks in addition to the Periosteum texture.
Click 'Texture Object(s)' to add the bone texture to your selected objects!