
How to debug rate limiting errors, or all the API calls being made?

yatishmadhav opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi Christian,

So I am using this wrapper to automate Trello cards on an internal platform. One page lists actions and triggers that need to take place or Trello cards to be copied when the actions take place - mostly relating to staff on-boarding and departure ... On listing the page of actions and triggers, I get the following in the error log ...

[2019-06-03 12:33:53] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Trello\Exception\RuntimeException: "Rate limit exceeded" at /var/www/html/vendor/cdaguerre/php-trello-api/lib/Trello/HttpClient/HttpClient.php line 152 {"exception":"[object] (Trello\\Exception\\RuntimeException(code: 429): Rate limit exceeded at /var/www/html/vendor/cdaguerre/php-trello-api/lib/Trello/HttpClient/HttpClient.php:152, Trello\\Exception\\RuntimeException(code: 429): Rate limit exceeded at /var/www/html/vendor/cdaguerre/php-trello-api/lib/Trello/HttpClient/Listener/ErrorListener.php:62)"} []

All that we do is a refresh of the page but the weird thing is that the list displays fine at times. But gives that error in the log at other times.

Any advice to debug all the calls that are happening?

Apologies - I know this is more of a support request rather than an issue per se

Thank you in advance