
This SDK is not working... but there is a PR to solve it!

edilsoncichon opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey folks!

This SDK is not working... but the @matteocacciola already solved this, follows the PR:
pull request #84

Please merge this PR guys! @cdaguerre @matteocacciola

Hi guys, I did some work on my fork, basically I merged some commits from other forks to make this work with Guzzle 7 and PHP 7 and 8.

I intend to send a more organized PR to soon, but at the moment this may be useful to others.

Hi guys, I did some work on my fork, basically I merged some commits from other forks to make this work with Guzzle 7 and PHP 7 and 8.

I intend to send a more organized PR to soon, but at the moment this may be useful to others.

Sure! I will do this.
@matteocacciola Do you still have permission to merge into this repository?
It would be great if we could keep a single repository active and up to date, I can help with that.

after update composer require dominikkukacka/php-trello-api:dev-dominik/upgrade-guzzle
returns error in code
Uncaught Error: Interface "GuzzleHttp\Event\SubscriberInterface" not found in /var/www/html/libs/vendor/dominikkukacka/php-trello-api/lib/Trello/HttpClient/Subscriber/ErrorSubscriber.php:19