
Row level security

AdrienPensart opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, thank you for documentation update!

I try to use upsert with row level security enabled, I have this table :

create table if not exists
    id         serial primary key,
    user_id    integer not null references musicbot_public.user (id) on delete cascade default musicbot_public.current_musicbot(),
    title      text default '',
    album      text default '',
    artist     text default '',
    constraint unique_music unique (title, album, artist, user_id) deferrable
create index if not exists music_user_idx on (user_id);

(complete version here:

With this spec in my mutation :

where: {
      title: "Welcome To Bucketheadland"
      album: "Giant Robot"
      artist: "Buckethead"

I get this error :

there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification

If I try to use userId: 1 in where and object spec, I have another error :

insert or update on table \"music\" violates foreign key constraint \"music_user_id_fkey\"

It works well when I disable row level security.

My old code ( for upsert worked with a deferred constraint in a plpgsql function, but if I put deferrable again, it triggers this error :

ON CONFLICT does not support deferrable unique constraints/exclusion constraints as arbiters

Do you have an idea to fix this ?
Maybe I need a constraint trigger ?
Maybe this plugin should wrap the upsert statement inside a plpgsql function ?

there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification

that makes sense. i think you were correct to add userId, otherwise the db scan would not be performant.

insert or update on table "music" violates foreign key constraint "music_user_id_fkey"

interesting. what do we know about this FK? i'd say run postgres in debug mode, logging all statements, or run postgraphile in debug mode, & capture the emitted query. discern what about the query specifically makes RLS grumpy. obviously we want RLS to work :). however, my PG is actually a bit rusty. i hit issues like this everytime i turn on RLS 🙄 😄 . i've never used deferrable, so you're now the domain expert here.

if we need to tune the emitted query to handle this case, i see no qualms with that. however, i'd need you to diagnose this and suggest a patch!


It works with these kind of constraint :

constraint unique_music_by_user unique (title, album, artist, user_id)

I had to inject userId manually inside the query, I am not sure if user IDs should be exposed to users with postgraphile RLS enabled...but it works.

Another issue is that this upsert does not play well with postgraphile-plugin-nested-mutations, linksUsingId is ignored, so we can't do nested upserts yet.
Maybe I can make multiple upserts using previous upsert result

mutation {
    where: {
      title: "Doomride"
      album: "Giant Robot"
      artist: "Buckethead"
      userId: 1
    input: {
      music: {
        title: "Doomride"
        album: "Giant Robot"
        artist: "Buckethead"
        duration: 1
        genre: "Avantgarde"
        keywords: ["experimental", "heavy", "intro"]
        number: 1
        rating: 3.5
        linksUsingId: {
          create: [
              url: "tests/fixtures/folder1/Buckethead/1994 - Giant Robot/01 - Doomride.flac"
              url: "ssh://crunch@XXX.XXX.XX.XXX:tests/fixtures/folder1/Buckethead/1994 - Giant Robot/01 - Doomride.flac"
  ) {

For the moment I fixed everything using simple arrays, not a separate table...I close but if nested mutation are supported, it would be awesome!