
Error in the docs + question

francescovenica opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I think there is an error in the docs, it should be:

import { PgMutationUpsertPlugin } from "postgraphile-upsert-plugin";


import PgMutationUpsertPlugin from "postgraphile-upsert-plugin";

I have also a question, would be possible to implement the upsert on multiple objects? so, accept an array instead of a single object?

Hello! Thanks, feel free to send a docs patch. On bulk upserts, super open to it, but i wont be personally implementing it.

thanks for the quick feedback, I never worked on plugins with postgraphile, do you have any input on how it can be done? I'll try to dig into the code and see if i can implement something goos

ya for sure! they have a guide here: