
Files that has to be ignored and not served

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have static files (.sass) that do not need to be served but ignored by the extensionToMimeTypeInfoEx function
Right now, it fails with "unknown extension type"
Do you have a plan for such issue already ?
Thanks for your reply.

@delanoe Currently I don't have any plans to add a feature like this. However, I agree it would be nice to be able to give a file glob and have functions like createApiAndServerDecs ignore it.

If you (or anyone else) is interested in sending a PR adding this, you'll probably need to do the following things:

  1. Change the createApiType function to add a parameter that takes a list of file globs to ignore:

    :: FilePath -- ^ directory name to read files from
    -> Q Type
    createApiType templateDir = do
    fileTree <- runIO $ getFileTreeIgnoreEmpty templateDir
    combineWithServantOrT $ fmap fileTreeToApiType fileTree

    Do the same for createServerExp:

    :: FilePath
    -> Q Exp
    createServerExp templateDir = do
    fileTree <- runIO $ getFileTreeIgnoreEmpty templateDir
    combineWithServantOr $ fmap fileTreeToServer fileTree

    Actually change the underlying getFileTreeIgnoreEmpty function to ignore files that match a glob in a list of globs.

  2. Add a new top-level function in that exposes the required functionality. Probably a function like createApiAndServerDecs, but it takes one more argument (the list of globs to ignore).

I'm imagining an example of the list of globs could look something like the following:

globsToIgnore =
  [ "*.sass" -- This is the example from delanoe.  It would ignore all files with a .sass file extension
  , ".git"  -- Ignore a .git directory.
  . ".git*" -- Ignore all files that start with .git

I'm not sure what a good library is for matching on globs, but you might want to check out

It would be nice if the list of globs matched against hierarchies of directories, so you could match against the same sort of globs you put in a .gitignore file. This would mean you could match against something like some/path/file.hs. That would ignore the file.hs file, but only if it is in the some/path/ directory.

However, I'd be happy with just globs matching against single filenames (not full paths), if this feature is too much work.