
anime subtitle size increases after conversion

Opened this issue · 8 comments


First thanks for all your hard work.

Anyway, I watch a lot of anime but my tablet only plays 8-bit HEVC in hardware, So i have to covert all 10-bit to 8-bit

Everything is just copied, resolution is the same, audio is copied, subtitles are set to preserve, only the colour depth is changed.

But the size of the text is increased when compared to the original so text in boxes no long fit, I have noticed this for at least the last 6 months and though a couple of updates, I was hoping somebody else would notice and report it.

Thanks for any help and just ask for any additional information.


Hi John, sorry this issue is happening. Which encoder are you using? And do you know what format the subtitles are?

I am assuming they are image based, not text ones.

I have heard of issues like this before, but that was years ago so will have to do some digging and testing. Thanks for reporting.


I am using "VCEEncC_8.23_x64\VCEEncC64.exe"

The source is an MKV, I extracted the subtitle and it`s an .ASS

I searched for the word that`s size is being increased "MAPLE", below is the only instance in the .ASS files

"Dialogue: 0,0:02:55.27,0:02:55.82,New Signs,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fsp50\b1\an4\fs275\c&HE7D9A1&\fnHARU_CordiaUPC_hun\pos(673.454,334.88)}maple
Dialogue: 0,0:02:55.27,0:02:55.82,New Signs,,0,0,0,,{\blur1\fsp50\b1\an4\fs275\c&HAA8E1E&\fnHARU_CordiaUPC_hun\pos(673.454,334.88)}maple
Dialogue: 0,0:02:55.82,0:02:57.65,New Signs,,0,0,0,,{\blur2\fsp50\b1\an4\fs275\c&HE7D9A1&\fnHARU_CordiaUPC_hun\pos(673.454,334.88)}MAPLE
Dialogue: 0,0:02:55.82,0:02:57.65,New Signs,,0,0,0,,{\blur1\fsp50\b1\an4\fs275\c&HAA8E1E&\fnHARU_CordiaUPC_hun\pos(673.454,334.88)}MAPLE"

I will not mention what Anime the photo`s below are from, One is before conversion and one after.

edit: In the anime she types her name in the text box in lower case and then presses enter/return and then its shown as upper case, and that is why maple and MAPLE is shown twice in the .ASS files, But the photos i have posted are after she pressed return/enter.

edit2: I used the built in x264 AVC encoder, the same subtitle size increase happens, if the subtitle file is just being copied why does this happen, If i use the much slower, "VidCoder" app, I do not have any problems, the text remains the original size.

Before Encoding
After Encoding

I hope they post and are not against the rules as the Anime name is not mentioned.


Over a month and NO reply, I was watching and Anime i converted last night and the subtitles were off the end of the screen, the original was fine, subtitles are larger and moved to the right, maybe due to the increase in size.

I cannot believe i am the only one with this problem, the font seems different as well.

A couple of images.
images removed due to content

Ok, OK, I tried Burn-In and it looks normal, so the problem seems to be in creating the new mkv file, maybe files are missing?

According to MKVToolNix, None of the attachments/fonts are being copied across to the new file, that`s why the subtitles look different.

Can somebody fix this.

Hi @TinderboxUK I am currently trying to find a copyright free video sample I can use to implement that feature if you know any #355

As long as you dont post any content and just use for testing purposes it`s fair use, I find the site animetosho the best, I dont know of any free samples.