
Active Record fallback?

emyoulation opened this issue · 2 comments

There's normally an Active Person and Home Person once the Tree has been used at all. And those survive restarts. So the CardViews focused on the Active Person record will typically populate on a fresh start.

But the other CardViews will initially be blank.

Can an active record fallback be instituted for CardViews? If there is no focus object is selected AND at least 1 record exists in the category, could CardView make the last modified record in that category 'Active'?

The others load fine for me if it was the last tree used and they are in the history and the restore hist plugin is active and fixed.

To find the last modified record in a category in 5.1 I need to do a full scan of the database for each category which is what you want to be able to turn off.

I need to submit a PR for 5.2 to add a method to query the database to get the most recent modified lists, then performance won't be a concern anymore for that at least.

Please give a graceful fallback with no tree loaded too. Or a tree with no records in the Category of the CardView view mode.