
Bug when using GitHub OAuth Token Secret declared in another Stack.

sam-goodwin opened this issue · 2 comments

I have two stacks, Credentials and Pipeline. My Credentials Stack creates the Secrets so I can re-use them across many pipelines. Pipeline provisions a DelivLib pipeline and references the secrets created in the Credentials Stack.

If I use publishToGithub:

  githubRepo: repo,
  signingKey: props.signingKey,
  dryRun: true,

Then I get the following error.

Resource ask-sdk-github-automation-oauth-qQ8x5Z must be in ARN format or "*". (Service: AmazonIdentityManagement; Status Code: 400; Error Code: MalformedPolicyDocument; Request ID: 61b04b4f-1594-49db-96e0-c5fae15fe356; Proxy: null)

It looks like this code is mapping my ARN to its secretName :

private convertEnvironmentSecretArnsToSecretNames(environmentSecrets?: { [key: string]: string }) {
if (!environmentSecrets) {
return undefined;
const out: { [key: string]: string } = { };
Object.entries(environmentSecrets ?? {}).forEach(([name, secretArn]) => {
const secret = aws_secretsmanager.Secret.fromSecretCompleteArn(this, `${name}SecretFromArn`, secretArn);
out[name] = secret.secretName;
return out;

Which is then used in aws-codebuild's Project class to create the IAM Policy:

Except this must be an ARN and not the name. Why is the ARN mapped to a name when creating the IAM policy? Am I doing something wrong?

It's hitting this code path (if that helps)

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