
bug: can't publish to maven

MrArnoldPalmer opened this issue · 4 comments

Starting today, Jan 15 2020, traffic to the maven central repository is required to be over https. Currently the build environments of the codebuild tasks used for publishing are running on ubuntu 14.04 and we install maven using apt-get through the default ubuntu package repository. This results in maven 3.0.4 being installed.

You'll notice that the protocol for the central repository url in the maven settings of this version is http.

Compare that to https in the settings of all versions after 3.2.3.

Currently publishes fail with the following error.

501 HTTPS Required. 
More information at

This occurs when running the maven gpg:sign-and-deploy-file plugin command in

Proposed solutions

  1. Change the command we use to install maven from apt-get install maven to directly downloading the version we want. From my brief reading this looks like it will also require installing jdk separately.

  2. Change the container we are running publishes in to be the official nodejs container on docker hub. This is based on debian jessie and apt-get install maven will get us maven 3.6.0.

  3. Change the maven settings in and specify the central repository ourselves using https. (will this actually work?)

eladb commented

Option 3 sounds like something worth trying opportunistically, no?

Agreed, gonna give that a shot.

Looks like that didn't work, maybe this is something you can't override at the user level?

Option 2 feels like the next best alternative to me.

Changing strategies to use the updated superchain image from aws/jsii#1205.