
Restrict IAM policy to not allow write access without constraints

dgregan-flutter opened this issue · 1 comments

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When creating a dynamic dashboard factory as per Custom dashboards section it seems that behind the scenes an IAM policy that allows write access without constraint (logs:PutRetentionPolicy, logs:DeleteRetentionPolicy) is created which fails a Checkov static code analysis check (CKV_AWS_111) 'Ensure IAM policies does not allow write access without constraints'. This policy can be seen in BitmapWidget.test.ts.snap


  • Limit the scope of this Log retention IAM policy to just affect the Lambda function log groups (which I assume its interacting with) for better security compliance / enable passing of Checkov static code analysis checks

Partial Checkov Output

    "check_type": "cloudformation",
    "results": {
        "failed_checks": [
  		"check_id": "CKV_AWS_111",
                "bc_check_id": "BC_AWS_IAM_57",
                "check_name": "Ensure IAM policies does not allow write access without constraints",
                "check_result": {
                    "result": "FAILED",
                    "evaluated_keys": []
                "code_block": [
                        "  \"LogRetentionaae0aa3c5b4d4f87b02d85b201efdd8aServiceRoleDefaultPolicyADDA7DEB\": {\n"

				"resource": "AWS::IAM::Policy.LogRetentionaae0aa3c5b4d4f87b02d85b201efdd8aServiceRoleDefaultPolicyADDA7DEB",
                "check_class": "",
                "guideline": "",


Hi, bitmap widgets rely on a Lambda function to do the rendering, and Lambda functions have these roles automatically created by AWS CDK.

You can refer to aws/aws-cdk#11878 and the other linked issues there to learn more about why they're as permissive as they are.