
Home Assistant automations don't include on/off capability

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey, great integration with yoto! Thank you for taking the time to develop this.

An automation I am looking for is the ability to trigger a Yoto device to stop playing. To achieve this, I'd use Home Assistant's Automations. I am successfully able to specify "Yoto is playing" or "Yoto is on" for If conditions, but when it comes to actions, there is no action for controlling the Yoto's play/pause abilities.

Would this be a simple fix to add?

Right now Media player: Stop as a service call works for this integration.

Are you looking for a stop command or power off the device?

Ah, that's how it is done. Thank you, I am able to configure an automation now to stop playing. I was expecting it to be under Device rather than Media Player. Thank you!

Glad it works! Let me know if you need anything else. I have slowed on updates for this since I have all I personally need but happy to add features if interest exists!