
Unable to add as HACS custom repo

Closed this issue · 6 comments

jvik commented


Error: No RepositoryFile.MAINIFEST_JSON file found 'custom_components/yoto/RepositoryFile.MAINIFEST_JSON'

I just retried and adding works fine for me. I added a screenshot to the readme. Could you restart HA and try again?

jvik commented

Strange. Still same problem, even after updating home assistant and the hassio os. Doing it exactly as you have suggested in readme.

Any advanced firewalls setup? Other option is copying the files by hand but then you won't get updates automatically

When googling this seems to be a HACS issue and a few ways to fix it referenced. Deleting the Yoto integration folder being one.

Did you try copy the files by hand prior to this? Maybe worth checking if the folder exists.

Any word if this works for you now?

jvik commented

Suddenly just works now. Possibly after an OS upgrade. Thanks a lot.