
Button: Wrong vertical alignment of icon

pfitzseb opened this issue · 4 comments


Getting rid of the vertical-alignment: top kinda fixes it, but I'm not sure if that doesn't break anything else.

Interesting, @pfitzseb, I wonder if another package is conflicting with the styles, here is a screenshot of mine:
screen shot 2017-08-02 at 2 28 18 pm

@pfitzseb can you do me a favor? Can you inspect the icon styles and open the style inspector (Cmd+option+I)? If you can, please post your findings.

Interestingly enough this is reproducible with atom --safe:
Not sure what is going on there, but it definitely can't be pristine-ui's fault.

Sorry for the noise, and thanks for the great theme! :)

Interesting find @pfitzseb. Thanks for the research.