
Wrong directory tree

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I have updated my Atom v1.17.0 and Pristine v1.0.15 and the Directory tree is displaying a wrong indentation, when I open some directory it collapses it's bellowing directory, take a look at the screenshot for more details.

Wrong indentation

Right One

@thiagopecanha is your repo public? Or, rather, could you make an example project with the structure above so that I can troubleshoot?

@cdonohue I've also been seeing this.

I've been able to reproduce with Drupal's public mirror repo.

I opened that repo in Atom, then expanded the core directory, then the modules dir, then the aggregator dir, and finally the migration_templates dir. src now looks as though it's a child of migration_templates but only when migration_templates is expanded (I've attached screenshots below).

Running Atom 1.17.0 and Pristine 1.0.15.

migration_templates collapsed:
screen shot 2017-05-23 at 4 57 01 pm

migration_templates expanded:
screen shot 2017-05-23 at 4 57 14 pm

Thanks for the info @grego3 I'll take a look.

@thiagopecanha @grego3 I've cloned the drupal repo and expanded the structure as you mentioned. However, I'm not seeing the same results that you posted. Perhaps another package or custom style is altering that?

screen shot 2017-05-24 at 3 08 19 am

@cdonohue Interesting. Thanks for taking a look!

I'll debug and see if I can find the issue here...

@grego3 let me know what I can do to help out

@cdonohue Not a solve, but I've found a bit more info about this bug.

First, I disabled all community packages. Additionally, I use Spectacle for window management on my laptop. When I open Atom, the directory tree looks good (no nesting/appearance issues). When I use the Spectacle hotkey to make the Atom window fullscreen, the directory tree resizes to fit the new window size and I start seeing the issue described above. This doesn't seem to happen for the Atom Dark theme, which makes me think this may be related to Pristine's spacious layout and Atom's recent UI updates.

I'll continue looking for a solution to this, but at least it seems like an edge case.

Edit: This also happens when I resize the Atom window without using Spectacle (manually by clicking the edges of the window and dragging).

Aha! I see. I've personally moved to using One Dark myself and just using the custom styles for modal and tree-view styles ๐Ÿ˜„ (Maybe I should just make those packages of their own, rather than trying to keep up an entire UI theme)

I'll troubleshoot some more and post back. Thank you for the info @grego3 !

@cdonohue , so I've got something else:
When I changed Pristine Layout mode to compact it worked like a charm, however on auto and spacious it's not.

Another thing: right now I am using Atom on OSx Sierra 10.12.5, when I opened the issue, it was on ArchLinux with KDE.

One more thing: it's a Rails project structure, you could get one with: rails new project or clone one of mine repository.

captura de tela 2017-05-24 as 13 03 39

Auto or Spacious
captura de tela 2017-05-24 as 13 04 00

That makes sense, @thiagopecanha, seeing as how One Dark seemed to move away from the Spacious settings. I'll look into removing that :)

Also having the same issue when Pristine is set to UI Theme

@zachcoss this ui-theme is getting an update that resolves most of the issues with some recent atom version changes (including this issue). I'll post back up here when that goes live. Probably tomorrow or Wednesday.

@thiagopecanha @zachcoss can you verify that this is still an issue? The latest version, 1.1.0 should address this.

@cdonohue over here, working as expected.