
code-server AUR package

Primary LanguageShell


Arch User Repository package for code-server. Feel free to file issues here or comment on the AUR page.

Previously maintained by KSXGitHub


Make sure you run these commands on an Arch machine. If you're a Coder employee, we suggest using your dogfooding environment.

  1. Run sh update.sh and type in the new version
  2. Push changes to GitHub: git push
  3. Push changes to aur: git push aur
    • If you don't have this set up, run git remote add aur ssh://aur@aur.archlinux.org/code-server.git
    • Run git push aur


In order to publish updates to AUR, you'll need to have an SSH key pair setup.

  1. Create a config file file ~/.ssh/config
Host aur.archlinux.org
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/aur
	User aur
  1. Create a new key pair by running:
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/aur
  1. This will create a new public key at .ssh/aur.pub. Copy this and add to your AUR account under My Account > SSH Public Key
  2. You may also need to be added by the package maintainer (@coadler)

Read more: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_submission_guidelines

New Maintainers

If a new maintainer joins the project, please add them to the top of PKGBUILD.

Removing Old Maintainers

Instead of removing them completely, change their title from "Maintainer" to "Contributor".

Automated publishing

@jsjoeio created an account under cdrci for automating publishing the AUR package. If you need these credentials, please ask him.