REPEAT binding for Knockout

repeat can replace foreach in many instances and is faster and simpler for some tasks.

For example, say you are creating a data table. Here's the html using foreach:

    <tbody data-bind="foreach: data"> 
        <tr data-bind="foreach: $parent.columns"> 
            <td data-bind="text: $parent[$data.propertyName]"></td> 

Here is the equivalent html using repeat:

        <tr data-bind="repeat: {foreach: data, item: '$row'}"> 
            <td data-bind="repeat: {foreach: columns, item: '$col', 
                bind: 'text: $row()[$col().propertyName]'}"></td>

In my tests with about 400 rows, the repeat version was twice as fast.

repeat can take either a single parameter (the number of repetitions [count]) or an object literal with the following properties:

  • count the number of repetitions
  • foreach an array or observableArray over which to iterate (either count or foreach is required)
  • index the name of the property that will store the index (default is $index)
  • item the name of the property used to access the indexed item in the array (default is $item) (item is only used when an array is supplied with foreach) $item is a psuedo-observable and can be passed directly to bindings that accept observables (most do) or the item value can be accessed using observable syntax: $item().
  • bind the binding used for the repeated elements (optional); index and item will be available in this binding

Here are some more examples:

<span data-bind="repeat: {count: 5, bind: 'text: $index'}">

This will display 01234.

<div data-bind="repeat: {foreach: availableCountries, item: '$country', 
    bind: 'css: { sel: $country() == selectedCountry()}'}">
    <span data-bind="text: $index+1"></span>. <span data-bind="text: $country"></span>

This will display a list of countries with numbering supplied by the repeat binding's $index. The selected country will have the selected class.

License: MIT (

Michael Best