
\pnote doesn't work outside of frame

ferdinandyb opened this issue · 7 comments

\let\lastframenumber\theframenumber should be \edef\lastframenumber{\theframenumber}

see this question on texexchange

cebe commented

why should it? If you add a note outside of a frame, to which frame does it refer?

All of them were gathered to the first frame.

cebe commented

could you explain why you put pnotes between the frames and not inside them? For \note that may make sense but \pnote is tied to a frame as it will be shown next to the current frame in the presentation. For which frame should the pnote be added if it is between two frames?

"You can then use the \pnote{} command like you used \note{} before. Behavior will be the same but it will additionally write notes to file in pdfpc readable format." From the way \note behaves outside a frame, I expected to have \pnote write them all to the preceding frame. Also, \pnote[item] is not implemented. I tried modifying the script: line 22 \newcommand{\pnote}[2][], line 24 \note[#1]{#2}, and line 36 \immediate\write\pdfpcnotesfile{\unexpanded{#2}}, but it didn't work (I obviously don't really understand what's going on here:D).

Btw, thanks for the package, it was a great help during my presentation :)

cebe commented

To be honest I never read the full documentation of \note before I created this package :)
I just implemented it based on what I knew about about it.
May be worth checking the \note docs and implementing it correctly.

If you have time and want to dig into this, I am happy to merge a pull request. Have no time to work on this myself right now.

I don't really understand how LaTeX works, but I'll try:)

Hi, I think I solved the problem, and I think I made the right pull request but I'm not sure.