
Update section 5 (CF-1.7)

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Additional checks:

5.6 Grid Mappings and Projections

  • The type of the grid_mapping attribute is a string whose value is of the following form, in which brackets indicate optional text:

    grid_mapping_name[: coord_var [coord_var ...]] [grid_mapping_name: [coord_var ... ]]

  • Note that in its simplest form the attribute comprises just a grid_mapping_name as a single word.

  • Each coord_var is the name of a coordinate variable or auxiliary coordinate variable, which must exist in the file. If it is an auxiliary coordinate variable, it must be listed in the coordinates attribute.

  • If present, the crs_wkt attribute must be a text string conforming to the CRS WKT specification described in reference [OGC_CTS].

  • reference_ellipsoid_name, prime_meridian_name, horizontal_datum_name and geographic_crs_name must be all defined if any one is defined.

  • If projected_crs_name is defined then geographic_crs_name must be also.

In addition to the above:

  • updated the list of valid grid_mapping_name attribute values.
  • now checks the data types of the attributes of the grid mapping variable are as specified in Table 1 or Appendix F.