
Undescriptive failure message: "Unable to install Cedar snippets and templates"

pivotal-domenic-curro opened this issue · 3 comments

I came across this problem when trying to install Cedar on XCode 6.1.

Could this be made more clear what went wrong? A verbose failure message would help me track down the problem easier. Thanks!

The google results weren't helpful:

I ended up solving my problem by installing ios-sim.

Hi @pivotal-domenic-curro

Is this the same error referenced in this thread? https://groups.google.com/d/msg/cedar-discuss/sbdaly7_Ibw/uGrt1G5oFF0J

I agree that this is an unfortunate dependency for the install process to have. It's a leftover remnant from a time when the copy headers phase of the static framework build was flaky, and therefore the build output needed a smoke test before installation.

thankfully this isn't really necessary anymore and this step can probably be removed. Thanks for your message, as a reminder of how annoying this is when setting up a new environment.

Here's the story for the removal of this dependency: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/83733428

the installation dependency on ios-sim has been removed on master.