

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Is there a way to configure shims in this plugin? Would that just be configured on the RequireJS side? (Great plugin by the way!)

thank you :)

you should be able to configure shims in the 'require' configuration object:

    qunit_amd: {
        unit: function(test){
            var config = {
                include: [
                require: {
                    baseUrl: 'assets/javascripts/src',
                    paths: {
                        jquery: 'public/javascripts/jquery-2.0.0.min',
                        mustache: 'public/javascripts/mustache',
                    shim: { 
                        //your shims 
            if (test) {
                config.tests = ["test/assets/unit/"+test+".js"];
            } else {
                config.tests = ["test/assets/unit/*.js"];
            return config;

let me know if you have any trouble with that