
br tag is inserted after completly deleting the node name

tim-krieger opened this issue · 5 comments

If you enter a new name for the root node, it is usually displayed in the tab.
But with Chrome (mobile, iPad) and Safari <br> is added to the new name. This happens only after completly deleting the text in the contenteditable div.

And this might be a solution for this issue.

Since different browsers show different behavior here, it might be best to remove html tags completely from the tab.

Hi @tim-krieger,
I tried Chrome on mobile but I can't reproduce this error. Do you see the tag <br> in the name of the tab?

Yes. The bug affects only chrome or safari on iPad.

Ok, even on Firefox with linux. Thanks! The bug to be solved (with #81) is on mmp library, I'm working on it these days.