
npm audit failed

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npm audit report\n\nunderscore 1.3.2 - 1.12.0\nSeverity: critical\nArbitrary Code Execution in underscore - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-cf4h-3jhx-xvhq\nfix available via npm audit fix\nnode_modules/underscore\n nomnom >=1.6.0\n Depends on vulnerable versions of underscore\n node_modules/nomnom\n po2json 0.3.1 - 0.4.5\n Depends on vulnerable versions of nomnom\n node_modules/po2json\n gettext.js 0.3.0 - 1.1.1\n Depends on vulnerable versions of po2json\n node_modules/gettext.js\n\n4 critical severity vulnerabilities\n\nTo address all issues, run:\n npm audit fix