
Adding all supported runtimes?

kzu opened this issue · 1 comments

kzu commented

Given that the official binaries cover all platforms that .NET Core/5 can run on, would it be feasible/worth it to package the others too?

I may be able to help if that's something the project owner(s) might consider useful.


would it be feasible/worth it to package the others too?

Are you planning on using one of the P/Invoke based CEF wrappers? e.g. CefGlue

In theory I've got no objection.

Logistically the size of the packages will be a problem, we've already exceeded the MyGet limit and can no longer directly push to the feed, I have to manually request the packages be pulled. We'd need to upgrade to a Paid plan or switch to a different host for the development packages.


I may be able to help if that's something the project owner(s) might consider useful.

This is not something I've got a need for personally at the moment, totally happy if you (or anyone else for that matter) wants to get involved and increase the number platforms.