
A Python package of awesome stuff.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python package of awesome stuff.

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pip install -e 'git+https://github.com/cehdeti/pyeti.git@master#egg=pyeti'



from pyeti.cli import confirm

result = confirm('Do you really want to hurt me? [y/N]', default=False)


from pyeti.utils import empty_context as no_transaction

with transaction.atomic() if transact else no_transaction():

from pyeti.utils import ignore_exception

def get_my_key():
    return hello['my_key']


The pyeti.eti_django.pages module implements some of the more useful features from the django-page-cms library, without all of the unnecessary URL routing and other features. It allows you do define {% placeholder %} areas in your templates, and provides an admin interface for admins to specify content for them. First, add this to your settings.py:


Then do python manage.py migrate. Then, you can define placeholders in your templates like this:

{% load placeholder %}

<h1>My Page</h1>

{% placeholder "My Page Content" %}

The {% placeholder %} tag accepts an optional second parameter for the language to get content for. If it's omitted, the language from the current request or the globally-configured language is used, respectively. You will most likely never need to specify this if you're doing i18n correctly.

Also, you can configure the form widget that is used when admins edit placeholder content using the PYETI_PAGES_CONTENT_WIDGET setting. It should be a fully-qualified python class. For example, to use a CKEditor widget, install django-ckeditor and set PYETI_PAGES_CONTENT_WIDGET to ckeditor.widgets.CKEditorWidget.

Also note that this module probably will not play nicely with django-page-cms, since they define the same template tags, use similar database tables, etc.


The pyeti.eti_django.store module is a library you can use to communicate with the ETI store and sync/check app subscriptions. To use it, add the following to your settings.py:



Then, in a model, add a reference to the UsageLicense model. Where you do this depends on your app.

from pyeti.eti_django.store.models import UsageLicense

class Organization(models.Model):

    usage_license = models.OneToOneField(UsageLicense, models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True)

The middleware relies on getting a UsageLicense object somehow, either from the current user (request.user.usage_license, by default) or from some other source. You can subclass SubscriptionMiddleware and fetch the usage license in another way if you need to.

Also included is a Django admin implementation, but you need to wire it up in your app.

from django.contrib import admin

from pyeti.eti_django.store.admin import UsageLicenseAdmin
from pyeti.eti_django.store.models import UsageLicense

admin.site.register(UsageLicense, UsageLicenseAdmin)

Possible configuration options are:

  • PYETI_STORE_URL: The URL of the store
  • PYETI_STORE_AUTH_TOKEN: The auth token for connecting to the store API
  • PYETI_STORE_PRODUCT_GROUP: (optional) The name of the product group in the store to restrict product and subscription listings by
  • PYETI_STORE_DISABLE_LICENSE_CHECK: (default: settings.DEBUG) A boolean indicating whether licence checks should happen. Useful for local development and testing.
  • PYETI_STORE_IGNORED_PATHS: A list of regexps to check the current path against to determine if a license should be required.
  • PYETI_STORE_NO_LICENSE_REDIRECT: (default: /) If no license is found, redirects the user to this path. Automatically added to the PYETI_STORE_IGNORED_PATHS.
  • PYETI_STORE_EXPIRED_LICENSE_REDIRECT: (default: /) If the user has a licence but it's expired, redirect to this path. Automatically added to the PYETI_STORE_IGNORED_PATHS.
  • PYETI_STORE_LICENSE_SYNC_FREQUENCY: (default: timedelta(days=2)) The frequency with which to sync usage licenses from the store. Effectively, the cache lifetime of usage license records. Should be a timedelta object.
  • PYETI_STORE_USAGE_LICENSE_EXTRA_FIELDS: (default: []) A list of fields from the store's subscription JSON object to store in the UsageLicense.extra JSON field.


The pyeti.eti_django.support app includes a form that will create a support ticket in FreshDesk via email. To use it, add the following to your settings.py:

Where is the API key? https://support.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/215517-how-to-find-your-api-key



Then, import the URL conf if you want to use the package's views and/or templates.


  • Install dependencies with make deps.
  • We use the built-in unittest module for tests, mock or mocking, and Faker for generating dummy data. Run the test suite with make test, and generate code coverage reports with make test/coverage or make test/coverage/html.
  • Code should all follow PEP8 conventions. Check your code style with make lint.