
Implement a migration script for the breaking config in v0.34.x

Closed this issue · 3 comments

          > I would still like to understand the release strategy for this breaking change.

this is a good point, and we should document this. in the past, we've briefly discussed using a migration script. In a similar vein to a migration script, if we know what the error is, then we can automatically fix the config and log it should that error occur.

Originally posted by @evan-forbes in #1290 (comment)

for more context on this, there is a bug in viper that stops it from properly reading yaml. See #1143 and #1141

There was an attempt at automatically migrating config files in CometBFT. I think the tool was left behind so not sure if it's currently in use at all

A config migration script seems prone to error and IMO warrants a lot of additional testing. We can circumvent that effort by deprecating the current config that is influxdb specific and adding new config.

closing as this is no longer needed due to renaming everything