
Increase MaxBlockSizeBytes to 128 MiB in a release of the celestia-core

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In order to allow block sizes larger than 100 MiB, we need to modify the current constan MaxBlockSizeBytes. This constant currently restricts the maximum size of a block, and any block exceeding this size would be disallowed.

Previously, we have increased the MaxBlockSizeBytes to 128 MiB on the main branch. However, this change has not yet been included in any official releases of the core. To enable the integration of this increase into the celestia-app and practically allow larger block sizes, we need to ensure that this change is incorporated into an official release.

This issue will track the status of the integration process.

We already had a PR #1302 for this change, but decided to hold off merging until we figure out a sustainable approach.