
Getting live Actors of a given class without DeadActorError

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I keep finding I need to retreive actors that are alive and of a given class -- normally just to count them.

What's the correct way of doing this without getting a DeadActorError?

The obvious doesn't work:

Celluloid::Actor.all.select{|a| a.alive? && a.is_a?(Thing)}

Maybe this is because of a race condition -- alive? is true when the first part of the test happens, but false when we reach the second part? But I don't know for sure.

The only workable solutions I have been able to find are:

Celluloid::Actor.all.select{|a| a.alive? && a.__klass__ == "Thing"}

Which seems to rely on a private method, so I'm not very happy about that.

Or I could trap for DeadActorError, which seems worse...

Proposed solution should there not already be one:

Make alive? a valid method to call on a dead Actor, rather than raising a NoMethodError as it does now...